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New International Art Network Forum



Lianzhang Guo







2020 is an unforgettable year. The virus has swept the world, and the medical system has been tested tremendously. Social interaction was greatly affected, and the economy was hit hard. So, how to give people confidence and give people strength? So, one of the answers is: Art. Art can soothe people's hearts, art can calm their minds, art can give people strength, and art can give people a beautiful vision. Art is a kind of endless energy.

This time, ten Chinese artists brought rich and colorful works of art with different styles. They adopted different painting styles from different angles and sides, reflecting their attitude towards nature, human society, and artistic development. Views and concepts.

France was the birthplace of modernist painting and the center of world art. It is the wish of every artist to organize an exhibition in France. The exchanges between Chinese and French artists will surely promote the development of art between China and France and the friendship between the Chinese and French peoples. May the friendship between China and France last forever.

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